Monday, November 23, 2009

Meaning of Roses

Red Rose ----Sincere Love & Respect, Courage & Passion

White Rose----Purity, innocence, loyalty and sincerity

Yellow Rose---A symbol of jealousy in Victorian times, now yellow is friendship, happiness

Pink Rose----Grace and Gentility, the rose of sweet thoughts.

Lavandee Rose---Love at first sight and enchantment

Orange Rose----Passionate desire, pure enthusiasm and fascination

Green Rose-----fruitfulness, calm, self-respect , Well-being;

Blue Roses----Rarely found in a natural state, the blue rose can be tied to the lavender; its closest relative on the rainbow scale.

Peach Roses-----An unspoken “thank you” or “I appreciate you”

Black Roses----An expression of sorrow or death; often used for funerals. They can also be a bad sign or omen.

Red and White Roses-- Combined signify unity

Red and Yellow Roses ----Combined express happiness; joviality; cheeriness

Roses in Full Bloom---- symbolize gratitude

Red Roses in Bud exhibit ----pure and lovely in youth

White Roses in Bud--- is a sign of a girl too young to love

Solitary Rose--- stands for simplicity

Two Roses ---In form one stem indicate an engagement or upcoming wedding

One Rose---- in full bloom with 2 buds in one vase signify secrecy

Leaves of a Rose Bush-----sign of hope

A Crown of Roses -------- virtue or reward

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